“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”
Phil Collins
DIY Birthday Delights; Crafting a Minecraft Marvel
Minecraft Birthday Party Post contains affiliate links. Birthday parties are my favorite thing to plan. Aside from being stressful to get everything done, they are still a blast to design. This year my oldest wanted his friend party at our house and wanted a Minecraft theme. In talking, what he came up with was a…
Our Family Duck Journey: Week 2
We survived our duck journey week 2 and learned even more! The babies are growing more and more everyday and are becoming more entertaining to watch. We have seen their personalities come our a little more each day. This week I was able to convince my youngest to change Ghosty’s name to Olive. Much more…
Our Family Duck Journey: Week 1
Post contains affiliate links. For Easter this year my family got a pair of ducks. Let me tell you it has been quite an adventure. My kids love them, my husband funny enough loves them (he tells me quite often that he never thought he would own ducks). I love them! I wanted to document…
About Me.
My name is Taran Hall. I have been a coach/teacher for over 10 years. I have taught in classrooms, on a court, and in my own home. I am a mom to two amazing boys and wife to a driven and dedicated man. I love to create things to share with my family, my athletes and my friends. Here you will find my lessons, practices plans, activities, tips and tricks that I have used or created over the years.